If you want to get a bonus on a comfortable office in the workplace, in fact if you want to achieve any professional progress and success in the long term, advise team Pet.kom winning your confidence, putting all your efforts to maintain your status in the company’s core.
What is this?
With use of today’s corporate outsourcing and resorting to cut costs and do radical changes constantly in both production and communication and interaction processes, not to mention the selection of candidates, it became very important to stay abreast of the demands and trends and developments in the labor market and refine your qualifications and talents according to demand and quickly .
Here are some basic steps to help you to develop a framework for this: –
1. Understand your field dynamics:
The following essential consideration. If you are busy reflecting on the data the same way every day for years, you may not be aware that competitors invented, for example, a new system for customer relationship management outsourcing or more efficient customer relationship management of new systems, or redefined the standards of measurement and monitoring are imported Full. Should remain alert for all developments in and outside the company to be able to absorb what if your method of operation is good and sustainable. Tried to understand the entire picture and not just parts of it, or your tasks because the latter may be defined and redefined according to factors beyond your control. Remember that things do not just revolve around efficiency, but about better performance and especially the staff “Ulkipaan” They are always at risk of marginalization by the most effective and best performing owners who were able to book an important niche for themselves by offering the best and outstanding performance professionals
2. Constantly learning:
trying to embrace learning in all its aspects and make it an integral part of your life. Learning through vision, implementation, reading and participating directly and courses on the network and through asking questions and communicate with people, and through experiments and innovation, learning the way you want, and by whatever means. Trying to stay in the forefront of your field and select books that motivate and inspire you and help you in your career, in particular personal and life in general. Exchange of information you learn with your colleagues at work and your peers in order to establish your reputation as an expert in your field In order to become known as a source valuable to other professionals within and outside your company.
According to the poll Pet.kom alleged claims 30.5% of the participants in the Middle East and North Africa will be learning is the most important features required to achieve professional success. They also, when asked whether they thought that reading literature relevant to their work on a regular basis is important for professional advancement, said 69% that it is very important with 77.8% of those who revealed that they read books related to their work in the field on a regular basis
3. Be flexible:
Do not be afraid to use what you have learned and experiment with new ideas. The least you can do is to develop your performance and your productivity. It also would be better if I could Innovation yourself. Innovation requires above all a strong and courageous will and flexibility in order to test new things, in addition to knowledge, research and analysis in order to adapt the experience with the work and objectives of the company’s own market needs; besides professional, energy, and communication skills in order to achieve internal and external changes. Root Changes in the way of doing business in companies, which is partly due to the developments of the Internet (and its role in increasing the participation and communication) quickly established a need for innovation, or the need to adapt to innovations offered by others in the field of work that would otherwise fall into oblivion. Ketan c noted. Patel in a book that “winning in the field is considered inferior to transform this area. The latter inferior to move to the area, which is also considered the best inferior to the lack of belonging to that area
4. Work on the professional visibility public:
that were not own self and / or a public figure page on employment leader in the Middle East and North Africa site biography may miss important opportunities. Remember that the goal of the year is emerging that is appearing in front of employers in the region as well as in front of clients and colleagues, so be sure to choose the most important platform to show them and ascertain the extent of your personal and professional that he is constantly updated to reflect your skills and experience and qualifications. If that is not reflected in the relevant areas though your profile is accurate and unattractive you are on the verge of failure to appear among the top candidates in your business and other opportunities tempting field

5. Continues:
We all know that the most important factors of the professional world today is the “knowledge” and the value of our professional and is as important as the information that we have. Pet.kom poll showed in 2011 that, according to 78.3% of the participants that regular communication is very vital to promote job growth. So try to maintain vital Twagod in related fields, both participated in the events, or shows, or conferences, or forums, or cycles or until you communicate with your peers in the field of work they deem appropriate and comfortable for the fruitful exchange of ideas. You can communicate with professionals who Ichbhonk directly or via the Internet. And thus will be able to create new friendships and will remain within the appropriate groups and will be able to get the most important and the latest information that may help you in your professional role. Valtoasl is a skill like any other skill, although I kind of shy but you do not need to search for some of the ideas on the network on effective communication and find suitable for continued strategic level suitable for you way
6. Regular self-assessment:
devoted some time to think about your career and you discover that you are on the right track even if all of your growth and professional performance good. Your goals and your priorities and values of your growth and your progress and your relationships and any other variables related to your life career. Set your path on the basis of the evaluation mentioned. If you feel you are in a state of inertia professional although you follow the growth of the system and the education disciplined and in spite of all measures taken in order to stay on the right path in your career do not hesitate to seek professional help and guidance from both the Director of the company or from a professional adviser professional or from a colleagues or even coach.