Have you ever wanted to enter a career that pertains to your favorite activity? Well if you travel a lot, there are some rewarding and fun careers that are available to you. Some of these jobs offer flexible schedules and great salaries while others don’t. You need to figure out your interests, qualifications, strengths and weaknesses to determine which travel career would work the best for your needs. Here are some of those jobs.
If you’re all about educational travel, then you should consider a career in anthropology. Anthropologists spend much of their time traveling around the world to study, record and document different cultures then they share their research with the public through scholarly articles, non-fiction books or as college professors if they hold an advanced degree. Anthropologists enrich their lives socially and intellectually, and on average they earn up to $57,000 per year.
Athletic Recruiter
The athletic recruiter is hired by collegiate or national sports teams to go around the country in search of the best potential players for the teams that the recruiters are hired by. This job requires plenty of travel and is a good choice for travelers who love sports. If you have a degree in sports marketing or a related degree along with some experience in playing or coaching sports, you would do well in this career. You’ll also need to understand what makes a player great and be able to communicate well.
Travel Writer
For those with a journalism background, you can become a travel writer. Your job at a publication would be to critique various destinations, festivals around the world, restaurants and other types of venues. You might also review travel guides, write features about your favorite places you visited, and some how-to articles regarding travel preparation. This is a fun and exciting gig for travelers and you can break into this field by writing for small independent publications.
Freelance Photographer
Freelance photographers often travel around the world to capture important moments in time as well as images of interesting people and places. Start by building a portfolio that showcases a variety of things that you take pictures of on a regular basis. Categorize your portfolio into subjects such as political events, weddings, funerals, unique world cultures, etc. Then you should research publications that are looking for photographers and find out the requirements.
Government Work
If you work for the government, you may be required to travel. For example, state health inspectors have to visit businesses around the state to ensure that state safety laws are followed by the businesses. A person who works for the FBI travels often for the purpose of investigating federal crimes and collaborating with state and local law enforcement agencies. And if you work for the U.S. State Department, you might travel overseas to meet with foreign heads of state to handle foreign policy issues. Government work offers decent salaries and they generally require at least a bachelor’s degree in fields such as political science, economics, communications, urban planning or public health. In conclusion, these jobs are rewarding, fun and challenging at the same time.