If you have ever handled to get your resume past the resume screening software and into the hands of a hiring manager then you have done well. The final thing you need to do at this point is irritate the hiring manager with annoying behavior and avoidable errors. We spoke to a various hiring managers and inquired them what things frustrated them the most about job interview applicants. Not shockingly, there were numerous common answers across the team.
Five Things That Really Irritate Hiring Managers
Not Following Basic Guidelines
This is something every hiring manager highlighted. Nothing is more irritating than an applicant who neglects the basic guidelines provided. If the advertisement claims “email resume with cover letter and no calls” consider how annoying it is if you do not bother with the cover letter or call continually to find out where the hiring manager is at. Follow the guidelines; it not merely indicates you can read, it makes it clear you have no issue following direction either.
Along those similar lines, hiring managers find it irritating when applicants apply for roles when they don’t have the required qualification. You may be capable to get away with it if you are missing 1 element but if you do not have most of the qualifications they need, do not apply.
You Have not Done Your Homework
Classic mistake! You have various job interviews lined up and you generically make preparations for all of them. The trouble with this method is that in likelihood you will not get a 2nd interview for any of them. Hiring managers need to know that you want that specific role and have worked hard to try and earn it. An applicant who has not researched the company, its objectives and its products does not look really interested in the role and will be discounted instantly. Those applicants merely waste the hiring managers’ time.
Not Asking Relevant Queries
Not asking any queries is a very risky thing for an applicant to do during a job interview. Not asking any good queries can be merely as bad. Asking vague, generic queries shows you have not taken the period to prepare for the interview and therefore you do not see it as very significant to you. Generic queries show that you do not care which job you get, you merely need to get one. This irritates hiring managers who are looking for well prepared applicants who really need the role they are interviewing for.
Too Early or Too Late
It appears so obvious and yet job interview applicants still do this a lot according to the hiring managers we talked to. Demonstrating up too early is a bit like not being capable to follow basic guidelines and it puts the hiring manager under pressure to observe you earlier than they hoped to. Turning up late is merely sloppy and rude. If you are too early, go to a nearby coffee shop and have a drink, it will assist to calm you down and make sure that you arrive on time.
Worst Spelling, Grammar Or No Attention To Detail
Several applicants prepare their resumes in a hurry and cut and paste basic details. Sometimes they cut and paste the incorrect company name or forget to check the basic spelling and grammar. Take an extra 15 minutes to re-check every version of your resume and ignore this mistake. To a hiring manager, you merely look like someone who would have a sloppy access to their work.
Remember, hiring managers are merely like everyone else. They are busy, they have target times and they’ll not waste their time on persons who irritate them. Do everything you can to make their life convenient and not frustrate them and you have a much great opportunity of making it to the 2nd interview