- Do act professionally in entire cases.
- Don’t decrease your productivity, feign sickness, or otherwise you have to compromise your job.
- Do seek a mentor — within or outside the agency.
- Don’t face your employer in an emotionally-charged rant.
- Do think about scheduling a meeting with your employer to describe ways your employer could change his/her behavior.
- Don’t go to the boss of your boss, instead of a last resort.
- Do seek an outlet to vent your anger, but do not do it with colleagues.
- Don’t hope your boss to change — or at least change overnight.
- Do watch for golden chances to transfer to another department within the agency.
- Don’t just try and block out entire bad behavior; doing so will affect your physical and mental health.
- Do utilize your network to keep abreast of great opportunities outside the agency. And do have your resume up-to-date and ready to send out.
- Do evaluate your performance on the job and think about the ways to make better your behavior, but don’t blame yourself for a bad employer.
- Don’t consider that you are alone in having a bad boss; various studies recommend that many of us have to deal with a bad employer at one time or another in our careers.
- Do consider keeping a journal that documents entire bad behavior of your employer.
- Don’t compromise your health of self-esteem by staying in the job for the sake of a job. Do think about quitting your job — even if you do not have a new job lined up — if continuing to work for your bad employer is likely to permanently ruin your career.
- Do continue to document all your achievements.