A special education teacher is someone who assists students with learning, social and at times physical disabilities that hinder the success of these students. Unlike teachers in regular classes, special education teachers will need to adapt their lesson plans in such a way that it will be easier for the students to understand. Special education teacher’s work in the school system and some of the characteristics they possess include compassion, ability to make complex lessons more understandable, the willingness to work with students’ parents to improve students’ lives and a knowledge of state and federal laws regarding special education curriculum. Most special education teachers have a bachelor’s degree in special education or a related field such as psychology. They then get certified and receive a license from their state.
Typical Day in the Classroom
As soon as the school day starts, the teacher heads to the classroom or office to go over the day’s lessons, games and activities that the students will complete. She might visit with the school psychologist, speech therapist and occupational therapist to discuss the progress in specific students and how she can improve on any weaknesses they have. At this time the teacher’s aide comes to the classroom and gets orders from the teacher on the day’s lessons. When this happens the students arrive and the teacher and teacher’s aide greets them. The class might open up with some songs or games to get the students excited. Then the morning meeting starts and after this happens, class begins.
In conclusion, being a special education teacher has its’ rough spots at times but in the end it is worth it when you realize you’re making a difference in the lives of students with disabilities.