We know that the major metropolitan cities such as Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City and Philadelphia offer millions of jobs but what about the southern part of the United States? Normally we equate the South with backwardness and the struggles of the Civil Rights movement of the 50s and 60s but in recent years the South reinvented itself and now more people are moving there to locate employment. One great thing about the South is that it is a family-friendly area and the pace of life is slower than the metropolitan cities. Depending on where you live in the South, the cost of living is affordable too. Here are the best cities in the South for employment.
Tampa Florida
Tampa can easily compete with Miami for offering an excellent quality of life. This city is home to several IT companies and some of the top-paying industries here are healthcare, financial services, construction and administrative jobs. If you want to return to school, there is the University of Tampa and this college offers a wide variety of majors that are suited to prepare you for a high demand career in the area.
Houston Texas
If you enjoy the Gulf Coast, you should consider Houston because in recent years the oil industry has expanded greatly, and it has a thriving healthcare industry. Some of the most high demand jobs in Houston include CDL drivers, engineers, education and the arts. The MD Anderson Cancer Center is in Houston and is a popular place for natives and out-of-towners to receive cancer treatment. The population in Houston is diverse and Rice University is located in Houston. Houston has the third lowest cost of living in the nation according to the Cost of Living Index.
South Carolina
There are several cities in the state to choose from if you want to work in South Carolina. Charleston tops the list as there has been a rise in younger workers moving to this city. Charleston is appealing because of its’ old-school southern charm thanks to the historic landmarks that grace the city. Charleston also has a lot of new tech startups that are neat for IT graduates seeking their first jobs in the industry. Greenville is another excellent city for employment and the average rent there is $749 monthly.
Atlanta is home to Home Depot headquarters, Coca Cola headquarters, the Atlanta Falcons and Delta Airlines so it’s not surprising that this southern city mirrors that of other metropolitan areas on the East and West Coasts. In addition, the film industry is red hot in Atlanta and if you want to get in the music business, you can check out Atlanta since it has several music production companies and independent record labels.
In conclusion, these southern cities will continue to grow by the year economically and this means more jobs for those wanting to live in the South.