Every single supervisor should have a procedure. You do not need to merely hand every subordinate a piece of paper and claim “have a go at this.” You need to have a strategy, something that you utilize that sets you apart from a less effective leader, and you should be capable to share that procedure if inquired this kind of interview query about delegating projects by an employer.
Behavioral Interview Query: What steps or procedure do you follow when delegating projects to group members?
Most interview queries about delegating projects have a wide variation of acceptable answers. This kind of query though does have a bit more of a particular answer that interviewers are looking for. They are expecting to see that you indicate:
- Evaluation – That you pay careful attention to what the projects are.
- Organization – That you are capable to sort them into relevant teams.
- Management – That you give some kind of delegation, conversation, or follow up.
It is not essentially a difficult query to answer as long as you remember there is a “correct” answer. If you can bring in a personal experience, you make that response much better.
Sample Answer
“My first process is always to make a list of every single possible project, whatever they may be. Even small projects that should be normal sense are added to the list. I then place them all in a Microsoft Excel sheet, color code them, and make end dates for every individual I plan to delegate to, paying attention to their particular strengths and development requirements. I also make lists for each staff member so they are not intimidated by the project.
Then I organize a meeting where I offer each person their projects, and make certain that they know each project, its due date, and how I will be following up with them – which is commonly with a weekly meeting, relying on the due date of the task.”
This kind of answer covers all of your bases. If it is possible though, insert particular details about your previous task into the answer to bring the answer to life.