Do you have any regrets? No one makes the correct business decision 100 percent of the time. Interviewers do not hope you to be ideal. What they need to see is that you know when you have made a mistake and that you have learnt from it. They also desire to see how well you explain those mistakes and if you are capable to indicate that you are not haunted by them. This is why the following Common Behavioral Interview Query is asked.
Behavioral Interview Query: Provide me an example of a business decision you made that you finally regretted. What happened next?
In order to answer this query well, you require remembering the following:
- Never share a decision that could cost you the job for which you are applying.
- Always make certain you clearly describe the regret.
- Always say what you did to make certain it never happens again.
This is a VERY hard query to answer, generally because not everyone has a negative business decision that they can share without destructing their opportunities of getting the job. Here is an instance answer you could think:
“When I was working for COMPANY Y, I was provided a position in LEADERSHIP ROLE and I rejected that. I respected my employer and colleagues and really believed that I had a lot I could still learn from them. I felt that the change in atmospheres would not have been worth the economical incentives. But not long after that decision, 2 of my colleagues left and my leader was transferred, and while I acknowledged my new colleagues, if I were going to meet new persons anyway it would have possibly been better for my career to have taken the character offered. Ever since then, I have always made certain to consider a bit more about what the new role could mean for my establishment and for the industry, and less on personal connections.”
This is an influential reply. It is very positive, the “regret” is for a great reason, and it indicates your previous boss valued you. Not everyone has a response like this, but even if your regret is rejecting a project or even making a mistake on a task, there are ways to frame it that can still be very positive and make you appear like an outstanding candidate for the post.